Long ago I had a SR 34 and vaguely remember a similar problem. Anyway, you might try what worked for me (as I recall). Facing aft with the E room...
A center console owner is replacing his rotted wood deck. He has been considering finishing it with KiwiGrip but is not happy with the $150(+/-)...
It is handing according to my sort of careful reading of my 1960ish copy of The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. The hand in the...
Wow! OB you and your ilk are why I check in almost evert day. Thanks.
Don't buy what you can't sell. Is there a local fleet or a particular boat that is popular in your area? If so, they could represent ready buyers...
Lesson for us all!
Did the listing broker have the info all along?
Yes, Lasers as well. They will punish you quicker than a Sunfish!!! Aw, memories. My early experience included a very windy first time out on a...
What is your definition of blue water? What would be the next stop on your journey when you leave the lake? That's how our family started. I...
Why won't Captcruz share with all of us? Hmm.
Before proceeding with your purchase remember that the value of many older boats in need of serious repair is a negative number. Good luck.
I went to a flooring store and picked out some prefab wood flooring. Next I hired two flooring guys for a couple of days (food, beer and cash)....
I agree with all the above. If I recall correctly, servicing the water pumps on Mercruisers is a pain.
Which engines Crusader, Mercruiser, Yanmar or Volvo?
P.S. When I first started using Gore, long ago, I spoke with a Gore rep and he said, absolutely no grease or as little old residue as possible. It...
I suspect the packing material. NOTHING is "just like" W D Gore packing! (West to the contrary). I would try repacking with Gore; making sure I...
Well said, OB ! One of the things that makes picking an underwriter difficult is many of the factors to consider are moving targets. Has an...
That should read FICO. Sorry!
Underwriters check your FICA and C.L.U.E. reports. FICA for a look at your finances and C.L.U.E. for a look at ANY insurance claims (not just boat...
NO! Although there are those that are great in near coastal waters and not so much offshore. Among them, boats that are quit a lot litter built...