I love watching those that think they can do it without the divers, not common in SBH but seen a few times in ACK.
As a Maritime grad myself, I have many times gone to my Alma Mater to try and hire. I have never had much luck and don't usually try anymore....
OB- My only contention with US flags is the ability to hire foreign crew, not to save money, but just to expand the talent pool. I have several...
I used to run that boat, in fact it was my first professional Capt. job. Interesting that it still has the same name, as the old owner has a...
OB- perhaps you could run a course on yacht ownership? Captain and crew get a lot of blame for the wr0ngs in the industry, but lousy owners sure...
I had a lot of experience in the past with Deutz engines, nothing but problems! The only guy that was worth a **** to work on them lived in the...
I think Power Products is the dealer?
Crew just got everything set up. Owner: "Captain, I don't like this bay, can we move over to the next one?" Crew: " are you F'ing kidding me?"!!!!
Hmm, project Jag. The new Kismet?
I might be feeding a troll but here is my take. After 30 years in the industry, my take is relaxation and family time. None of the owners I have...
Wow, a lot of possibilities with this one.
Class and Flag check the EIAPP every year. Port state control will also ask for it. MTU does in fact charge thousands, had to get it for my last...
I have high hopes for this, hopefully they will have someone that has a keen interest in the product and bring them back to what they once were. I...
I still enjoy the paper versions of yacht magazines, although I get most of my content online. I have a small collection of nautical books that...
As a long time customer, I was disappointed with present management when they took over, and so were a lot of other people. Only time will tell if...
Funny thing, I am sitting in Harwich right now, not sure if they named it after the US Harwich or the UK Harwich. My neighbor growing up invented...
I know we all ***** about WM, but just imagine life without them? They are the only national marine store left, and other than Ft.Lauderdale, or I...
What ever you buy make sure the filters and membranes are not specific to that water maker. You need to be able to buy off the shelf generic units
Thanks all for the advice, I will pass it on.