By the way I’m not sure why the first picture posted off by 90°. If you’re talking about the dark line that is between the radar and the center...
Last one.
Here are the pictures of my arch and mast. There are four holes where the bolts should be but as you can see it looks as if someone welded the...
Agreed, help the ship get to their country with enough supplies. That is very generous considering they choose money over safety. I flew some of...
Not by any means is this an age crack but sounds like sage advice from experienced captains which I have learned to listen to. My son and I are...
I'll be at the boat soon for detail under the mast photos.
See attached pic...
Not sure how to PM you NYCAP123 but I’d love to chat with you. Is it okay to post my # for you to call me if you are willing?
Wow makes things look easy and gives me confidence in self removal. I might be at the boat tonight so I will take photos. The 1989 60’ has an...
It’s definitely welded. I can see where the bolt holes were. Now there filled with liquid metal from the weld. I also used a mirror to see if the...
Talked to Coeymans today and they assured me either the crane or the man power can get it done. Oswego isn’t answering right now but looks like...
Manitowoc is our old stomping grounds and know it well. I’ve read about the closures of the border, canal and marinas. We are taking it day by...
Running our 60’ Hatterss MY to Racine Wisconsin from Stuart Florida hopefully In May. We have an arch with a mast that far exceeds the airdraft to...