Thanks Pascal! Sorry I didn’t provide more info. I have luffing and lifting. I purchased a quick lift wireless remote. The problem is I need a...
Anybody know what brand of wireless remote they use? 3 voicemails with no return from Marquipt. I would like to add one to my TL Classic 1500.
My wife calls it the boaters TJMax. I stop at least once a week wether I need something or not.
Sailorman has a couple of decent used Davits right now if that’s what you are looking for.
I can’t quantify this statement but it seems the Raritans use less water then the the GM did. They are most definitely quieter!
There has to be more to the story. I’m just hoping the master head (GM elongated bowel) doesn’t go TU until Raritan is back up and running. By the...
The Raritan elongated bowel won’t be available for some time according to Raz Marine. I replaced one GM with the elegance standard bowel and love...
I've been on it and it is stunning! Tell Paul, Trina and I said hi and we'll be up this year but won't need the truck! You won't need luck but...
Would this be a Hockers boat?
Yup but we refined her name to The Seabiscuit or the biscuit for short. I miss the old girl. No worries here and what a well written post.
Thoughts on radar? I currently have Garmin 7600’s with a 6’ 12kw XHD radar. Is the Fantom open arrays worth the money over the XHD models?
That is correct, I’m not sure why I put that in there and I was wrong. It was loss of control and not CFIT. That accident was of particular...
I was reading Scott's post this am from my phone and missed the Alaska Airlines reference. Those pilots were faulted for an unapproved trouble...
Please reread the AA 587 accident reports to include the FAA’s conclusions and you’ll find you are inaccurate. A complete rewrite of transport...
That's what I figured and yes reviews are critical aid in preventing future incidents/accidents or exposing poor procedures and practices. The...
Not trying to hijack or cause thread creep. I’m curious about maritime accidents reports and how they compare to aviation accident reviews....
Precisely. It was not a Boeing issue. It was two pilots who had no business being in the pointy end of an airliner issue.
This has been an ongoing theme with the P&Ws. That and they say things come in threes.
I was curious because I fly the Max and very glad it’s back in service. What’s the new 73 problem?
I’m curious about the aircraft you are referring to?