So what you gentlemen are saying is that at age 43, I'm the kid around here?
I didn't intend to offend anyone with my concernes about carbon fiber or kevlar. I am a neophyte, if even that, when it comes to ship...
Re: 13646 Pardon me for asking what is likely to be yet another obtuse question: at today's exchange rate, the cost for that yacht is, what,...
1. No, you're absolutely right; I've never owned a composite boat. 2. I will seriously reconsider Trinity. 3. I've made a sailor...
Unfortunately, I did not note the source of the statement. I had just begun my research on yacht construction and had happened upon Ocean...
Initially, I had considered GRP with kevlar, but then I read that kevlar actually absorbs sea water and degrades--as does carbon fiber. That was...
Not Very Enthusiastic about . . . Westport or Christensen. I cannot convince myself that a composite yacht of any size--in the absence of a...
To AMG: Thank you for your directness and clarity. To Affrayedknot: I appreciate you elaborating and so eloquently providing an articulation of...
Ah, thank you for clarifying that. Honestly, I'm not as adventurous as some of you "old salts." I'm happy to avoid the stormy seasons and motor...
Given these answers, am I to infer that if I were to go for a larger, full-displacement boat, made, perhaps, of aluminum, that it might be less...
Ah. That would make it difficult to get what I want, if the company is wedding its reputation to a specific style that is not congruous with my...
Pardon me if this is a naive question, but limited how? Feel free to PM me if that would make you more comfortable. I would be truly grateful...
If I'm not mistaken, I think there's a video at PMY's website where Capt. Ken and company review yachts. The videos are unsophisticated at times,...
I'm not sure if that comforts me, or worries me. Rather Faustian bargain, if you think about it.
Is it the general consensus among the professionals, then, that there will soon be a correction of some type in the yachting market? Whom do you...
Nice, but I would have liked to see the engine room and perhaps the tank deck.
Surprised by Your Answer
First, let me apologize for expressing myself poorly. I did not mean to imply that I want to do this inexpensively; I merely don't wish to waste...
Oh, BTW My other observation/question about hulls: I'll likely need to go with a German or Dutch firm for construction, right? I think my...
I'm Concerned I hope that I can revive this thread; for some reason, the forum wouldn't allow me to begin a new one. Anyway, as the title...