True, but with no other reports of the 'order' in the mainstream yachting press or online forums, it would appear that your yacht is also only a...
Happy Christmas everyone! I hope that you have a joyful but peaceful time surrounded by those that you love.
What did I tell you? Three day party... Dave - why would I want to kick your ass? I'm looking forward to celebrating St. Nicholas - because...
A lot of the yachts that I have served on had parties that lasted an average of twenty four hours. But quite a few lasted three days to a week!...
Birthday or wedding?
This has been pulled by YouTube. Anywhere else we can see it?
There I was, sitting at the bar in the Yacht Club, staring at my drink, when a large, trouble-making engineer steps up next to me, grabs my drink...
Here is an exercise that I guarantee will help Fish and any other 'senior' members - ie: anyone over forty! Warning: It may be too strenuous...
Fish, I found this invaluable 'Sarah Key's Back Sufferers' Bible; You Can Treat Your Own Back.' I have to admit I don't have the discipline...
Just caught this delivery...
The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is approaching and the media are making the most of it with their blow by blow accounts. Our thoughts are with...
Guys - you are still in all our thoughts and prayers - especially as there seems to be another one brewing SSW of Bermuda! Stay safe.
Wow! That track looks pretty hairy. You are in our thoughts and prayers guys.
I Love Piet Mondrain's paintings - but I wouldn't want to live inside one :rolleyes:
Hi Dave, Was that your first girlfriend taking you for a spin? :D
Sorry Max - this ones already here. Post 59 on page 4. Worth seing again though !
Racism With apologies to my Irish relatives and friends! Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days. A customer...
Talitha is currently there waiting to pick up a charter. Lets hope these boys behave themselves!
Hi Far and Colin – I agree with you about the amount of effort and passion put into the paint job. It’s not to my taste – but then ‘each to his...