I don't suppose the driver was called Francesco Schettino was he? :D
Financial Crisis Off topic - but 'topical'. [And with apologies to our beloved friends and members from Greece. This could really be any country...
It happens on larger boats too. A few years back there was a fatality on a 100'+ coming into Port Vauban, Antibes. It was a private vessel...
I've had his calendars on my study wall for thirty years. They are well worth the money! Beken ship world wide and the quality of the paper...
I use Firefox and, as said above, have had lots of problems.
Hi Carl, Can you delete my IP from post 21 please? Many thanks.
Hi Carl. IP is Deleted You had an email from me a couple of weeks ago. I've had this problem half a dozen times this year, but two weeks ago...
And we can catch glimpses of them on Talitha's webcam... MY Talitha-G
That's a fine looking yacht Lars. It looks good in action too on the shows website. I hope you are getting lots of interest?
Hi Carl. As they stand, I would go for three - but would prefer five, if the blue sweep was lighter, say in white 'contrails'. I think the...
Mother Hen arrives to look after her chicks BBC News - HMS Ocean squeezes through Thames Barrier
I agree. It had occurred to me that we are gradually turning more towards being a 'spotting' site with all those links. Members can still say...
Hi Ken, If you are coming to Cornwall, let me know. I'd like to buy you a pint! Safe Journey. David.
Basically a modified Zeppelin!
No problem. :cool:
Video has been removed from Youtube.
All the best Ed, we will miss you. Do keep in touch. Fair winds and happy days.
She is heading out across the Atlantic to Europe. Caught this shot from her webcam as she sails towards a rain squall.
Talitha too. Due into Barcelona at 08:00 on the 17th.
I saw that too. I don't normally like these documentaries because they are often made by people with no experience of the subject and poor...