I think the engines used on military vessels are manufactured in Beloit, Wisconsin.
In the interest of speculation ... if the initial event was a flameout at high power it is not too much of a stretch to suppose that something...
Not all oil is part of a hydraulic system....
Thanks for that information. It is good to see a real-world report with verifiable data.
That spec sheet is really screwed up ... D4594 is for a 3512 genset engine with a max speed of 1200 rpm. It looks like some marketing guy mixed...
Myth Alert That would be a "really good marine diesel" indeed. The highest available today is just over 50 percent and that engine is a very...
Not really, post #16 referred to the engine actuators and was followed by some erroneous thoughts about how the system works and why the engine...
The pressure on each side of the actuator is the same when at rest. The force used to move the control provides the differential pressure that...
How's that work?
The new generations of data logging features in control systems makes it so easy to archive operating information it provides an "oh wow" moment...
Magnaflux is a trademark for a magnetic particle inspection process and hardware. The proper terminology for the process is "magnetic particle...
Ah yes ... Google is the grease that says "I knew that all along."
There are proper ways of doing a job in order to protect your investment and the continued economical use of your boat. There will always be some...
And the proper technique for mating propellers to shafts applies to every one of them. Just winging it by smearing on a blob of valve grinding...
Oceanco seems to be infamous for that sort of thing. It appears that there is little communication between the designers who develop the layers of...
So how does one expect to know if the mating surfaces are actually mating if no check is ever performed? Because of advice such as that quoted...
Wouldn't that be loverly? I think that a year (minimum) apprenticeship or internship in the field after the 3rd year of a 4 year program or...
That says more about the standards of the yards you hang around than how it should be done. Bluing is pretty much the industry standard for...
Is there anyplace else in the world where the term "log spill" is so commonly used and everyone knows what it means?
It probably would have if it had not pushed it back to the top. Please keep in mind the title of the thread is "Chopping the throttles & turbos"...