When you own an oil I can't think of a better place to light some up! I can hardly wait to see a video of Azzam at top speed!! It has got to...
Judy, As personally distressing and stressful this news is for you a special thanks for bringing this calamity to our attention! Please keep us...
After talking to someone who spent hours in traffic trying to get there the day before opening day I decided not to try it. Getting into the...
Thanks for the very helpful updates, I am looking to more!
Big City by Trinity!
How are the depths on the Intracoastal these days?
Perhaps someone will get a good deal??!! ICAP.com | ICAP Auction Details As recently as January 2014 she was listed for €35,000,000 or...
Thanks of reminding me of why I live in Florida!! So what if the Weather Channel says if mostly cloudy! [ATTACH] At least I can go...
According to marinetraffic Venus has just exited the Panama Canal headed South into the Pacific at around 17 knots. [ATTACH] She last transited...
Did they say how much fuel she holds and I wonder if there is an option or the possibility for larger fuel tanks to increase her range to...
I think that if you shrunk the 230' Skat down to the size of Maria Ester you might get something that looks similar considering the slightly...
IMHO she is quite a nice looking yacht that reminds me somewhat of Skat! MARIA ESTHER Ship Photos - AIS Marine Traffic Her home port is...
Great night shot of Gu! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=653950577982768&set=pb.552711941439966.-2207520000.1389460313.&type=3&theater...
+1 My dream too!!!
Nice shots especially the second one that is head on where she looks like a space ship getting ready to take off!
They were on display at Monaco this year....
When I googled "Besenkammer tennis" it came right up!
Here are some shots of Tango maneuvering at Red Frog Marina in Bocas del Toro, Panama taken yesterday by Russ Terry who is there with his wife...
I loved season one and am looking forward to season 2. I am a sucker for any tv show or movie that has a yacht in the plot so I am in hog...
Pegasus V captured by portevergladeswebcam on an uncharacteristically cloudy morning in Fort Lauderdale. [ATTACH] That's ok because it is...