The next 4 shots were taken at the KVH display highlighting their antennas that for the first time combine Ku/C band VSAT in one series and Ku/Ka...
The toys were twirling in the Electronics Tent where the displays were massive and jam packed with high tech goodies that made you feel more like...
In the Manufacturer's Tent there were more models on display at the JFA booth including their latest creation the Long Island 85'. [ATTACH]...
Perini Navi was showing a model of their 230' Sybaris that is nearing completion at La Spezia. [ATTACH] Amarula Sun is a 130' Westport 40 built...
The greatest yacht builders in the world like Fincatieri are also the world's greatest model builders! When a yacht like Serene who is 440' long...
With the proper tackle and heavy duty fighting chair that elusive big one will not stand a chance. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The Zeelander Z68 is the...
The Oceanfast yacht Echo a Jon Bannenburg design of this James Bondesq yacht is always a standout in a crowd! [ATTACH] At 130' she is almost as...
Here is another yacht, Vango, sporting a helicopter which is a Eurocopter EC120B. [ATTACH] Did you ever wonder what superyachts carry in their...
There were some beautiful classic boats at the show such as this Windsor Craft 36 Open Downeast Express. [ATTACH] With a cold-molded hull and...
This Sunseeker Predator 60 has a cruising speed of 33 knots using 62 gallons per hour and has a top speed of 42 knots burning 86 gallons per hour....
Sometimes a name says it all! Watch Blank Check fly at her top speed of 41 knots and cruise at 35 knots!! [MEDIA] [ATTACH] Gregarious is...
There was no lack of "green" boats in the Show this year as represented here by the 40' Greenline Hybrid. With her exceptional low-drag hull...
Here is a video of her now!...
This Hunt 44 Express Yacht Soule Girl is here from Maine. [ATTACH] She is powered by 2 fuel efficient Volvo Penta IPS 600 429 hp diesels POD...
Another curvaceous beauty at the Show is the Zeelander 44. [ATTACH] She has a top speed of 34 - 38 knots depending on the size of Volvo Penta...
There were lots of yacht toys at the Show such as this beautiful work of art a Bell 429 Global Ranger a light, twin-engine helicopter developed by...
On Monday, the last day of the Show, there was another YF tee-shirt sighting, this time at the Hatteras Pavilion checking out the super awesome...
At the Pier 66 Marina, aka the Fort Lauderdale Marina at the Hyatt Regency, one of 5 different Show locations, on the face dock we find Atlantica...
The 164' yacht Arianna built by Delta Marine Group in 2012 has a top speed of 16 knots and a cruise speed of 14.5 knots with a 5,000 nautical mile...
sailing yacht at the Sails Marine in FLIBS docked across from Marie is the 141' Gloucester fishing schooner Columbia that was built in steel by...