Nifty. The EN version of the tech data specifically confirms it supports OP's engines, too. -Chris
Don't have two helm stations, and haven't ever seen any reason waste MFD real estate with data that already displays nicely on our CLC displays......
West? Can't picture anything but land to the real west of the marina. Or maybe you mean the old shrimp docks just a few blocks up the street...
Thought so, too. Implies potential additional encumbrances? Just something else to check... -Chris
What are the warning stickers on the hull about? Didn't see mention of those in the text anywhere. (I didn't try to enlarge and read...) -Chris
Perhaps by "main room" you mean the master stateroom? In any case... as others have said... taking a Sawzall to a sportfish/convertible hull and...
Do you mean literally CE certified as Category A? Or just "same as" or "close enough"? What do you mean by "enclosed?" Enclosed flybridge?...
What is the acid? I don't seem to be able to find their MSDS... Their web page says not as corrosive as muriatic (hydrochloric? Rydlyme, I...
Peggy has mentioned elsewhere: clean hard surfaces with Dawn Ultra, then treat with PureAyre. -Chris
Yes, but as usual in many endeavors there can be trade-offs. Fuel-water separators can help mitigate. Additives can help mitigate. Slight...
We seldom find it necessary (or even useful) to completely fill our tanks. And that'd just be extra weight to carry around... So we mostly take...
Your chargers may be failing, but... they also might be fine. I'd suggest you replace the bad batteries first. There are footprint (and weight)...
Not clear from my records what the symptoms really were. Survey wording was: 21. Port/Stbd displays; Port reverts to metric, Stbd has lines in...
Ah. I had a brain phart. LE 423 is correct, thanks for the heads-up. I'd suspect 403 rehab to be lower than ours, but don't really know enough...
Estimates to bring our 900-hp versions (common rail version of 403s) back into MAN service schedule (M1-M6, A1, A2) was ~$24K. Excluded...
You may want to hold off on that "lose the Cablemaster" thing. Maybe wait to decide after you've humped around up to 75' of 50A cable for a...
If you're connecting to a 50A pedestal... with an adapter to two individual 30A cords... isn't that making 50A per cord available? Then if...
Maybe try running a new hose through the original hose? -Chris
From that listing, these seem to be key: Man Engines Fully Serviced Including All Coolers, Aftercoolers, Manifolds in 2022, 20Kw Onan Generator...
Gulf Coast Diesel in Punta Gorda brought our MANs back into service schedule compliance when we got the boat in June 2021. And then they also...