There was always talk that the builder of Ulysses and Andromeda was also building a third yacht in the series, this is another MT design, it could...
Apparently REV is now finished, there is an argument between the owner and the shipyard on who will pay for the cost overruns due to the...
On the books is IMO 9843156, which I have always believed was the 3rd member of Harts trio of ships.
The original build contract with Kleven was for 3 yachts, so far only2 have been built.
Are you saying Hart doesn't own the current Ulysses? Hart owns Felham Enterprises Cayman Ltd, which is the registered owner of Ulysses. Felham is...
I thought they had started the conversion.
From what I have been told is she has to much top weight which has induced significant stability issues. She will be towed from Vard BrattvÄg to...
What has happened to Swift 135, there's almost no information about her at all, apart from, a few renders?
You can see on the latest photo's the custom cat is back on board. Hart wanted to keep the cat and transfer her to the new Ulysses, the guy who...
there are rumors that Mr Hart is looking to sell Ulysses, it's believed he has another yacht under construction.
How is that different there are quite a few builders who launch 100m plus yachts who aren't Lurssen. This one looks a little bit like Andromeda...
Does anyone know what happened to the second hull that was going to be converted, project name Swift 135?