You couldn't get me on a cruise before, let alone now.
Unfortunately the tests are not 100%..... so with a boat full of people there's going to be a few that fall through the cracks.
No at some point it will be settled. If you want to invest in time travel to get the answer.......
Yes there is......
You're a funny guy. :D
And once again I am reminded that the average IQ is 100 which means that......
The debate will probably never end. That said...... 7.6 billion people today, 9.7 by 2050. No matter which way you shake it, that's gonna leave a...
Bet that's loud up close.....
Oh, I am quite happy......:D
That looks like a bullet proof setup on that drive gear..... not.
You calling me a 1%-er?
On my engine it would be fine as it is down hill out the stern from the shower heads.... but yours may be different and water MAY work its way...
The water would not get past the impeller.
Nope. Single outlets, circuits are GFCI. The system protecting the entire shore power connection are called ELCI. They do the same thing, it's...
Cool. Yes, many, many electrical problems are caused by bad grounds....
To add to the load management suggestions, when you first plug in your battery charger the draw is quite high. After a few hours it (should) go to...
Did not know what that was or that it even existed! Thank you!
Moving to Kent Island this weekend. Piney has WIFI, and I am installing an outside antenna with ship's router. We should be good.
For us tethering to a phone is plenty for yakking on fora etc. 20G/M is plenty and all the carriers have a deal somewhere. The big jump is to get...
I've done that. 200 miles off shore........ Idiots.