I guess for me, the equation is; If 34 died as a result of GROSS negligence, gets 4 years, how many does one have to kill to get the full 10?...
After the turbo is not important. Your Cummins guru referenced in another thread has a lot to say about them. It is not - pretty. I think they...
I will now do the integral calculus on the number of potential buyers for this boat(all values are approximations under the normal Ogive declining...
Notwithstanding the hate for Carver's it's pretty much what I've decided on. David Pascoe would have a screaming fit, and rage about it, but I'm...
If you look in the staterooms, they have the master suite at the bow. I don't like that either. The Carver has the master suited mid-ship. The...
No express boats, or express/bridge combos. Lets out all those except the SR sedans, and the Navigator. I was in a 58 SR sedan bridge, and while I...
Is there any marine comparison between the two? I've never looked at a Sunseeker. If you have one in mind under $600k I'd have a look.
Well, sadly my Carver 530 deal has fallen through. Sigh, it's a really nice boat. Too bad. So, I'm now looking at some 56 foot Carvers. I thought...
I'm on the gulf. I set mine for 65%, and it seems to keep the cabin nice before I go aboard and start the AC.
From what I see there, either the case has flexed or the pre-load has been wrong for quite a while. I think I see some gear walk in pic 2 and last...
I tried to buy a Silverton 41 with twin 8.1. On the way to the haulout it wouldn't get on plane. We got a metric ****-ton of gunk off the hull and...
Hold me back! Just - step - away! No commentary - muzzled. I know,,, all broker are honest, and disclose everything on every boat they ever...
My dart board said about 20k Euros for the bits, and maybe 90-100 hours installed for the dual 90Kg. Lotta plumbing and lotta batts too. My dart...
I just took a gander through the jetthruster site. Would need a dual pump and four ports for boats over 50' with a fair amount of cabin...
I'm having this put on my 53'....
I can get any RE home on MLS for $499 fee. No broker needed.
I have been buying and selling RE for 40 years, and boats for about the same. Since I am the noob here, I will gird my loins and remain mostly...
I took a look at their website, just for spits and giggles. I have a few comments on that. 1. They invested billions in their CGI/graphic design...
Woof. Pins and needles for the final outcome. I wonder if the boat will be discounted to the next buyer? I would presume any new boat would have...
That will be me in a few weeks. Bashing into whatever hard points offered up for my hull to grace. Again - no expert in the fiberglass world but...