And here is another boat with a view from the South jetty on a slightly sportier day: [MEDIA] Skipper timed the sets perfect in this video.
Back in my home state, Depoe Bay, Oregon is pretty hairy. You simply don't ever cross the bar on an outgoing tide. Simple as that. Of course...
Also, here is an album of the easy install (Note, aluminum hull):
Just installed 4 Ocean LED A16 Amphibian Pro "Colours". Brightness is excellent, installation was simple (one tiny 1/2 inch hole on each...
That is bad to hear your exec installed a virus. I don't mean to minimize your grief, but how many people get mugged or have their pockets picked...
Again, volatility is irrelevant. If volatility is an issue, don't simply hold it. Like I said, you can receive BTC payments and settle instantly...
There is a lot of misguided information out there. Every Bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public distributed ledger called the blockchain....
Also, FWIW I use Garmin BlueCharts on my Wi-Fi only iPad using a Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS antennae. Very accurate.
Garmin BlueCharts Moble is *excellent*. Just wish it had an anchor alarm integrated.
Volatility is irrelevant since services such as BitPay instantly exchange your Bitcoin for USD if you so choose. Also, are you referring to the...
I suppose it all depends on the definition of "this whole thing". The price of the boat is the entry fee. The real price is the continuing...
I've been living aboard my 70' custom motoryacht for the past few years with my wife and 4 kids. I have three daughters (12, 15, 16) and one son...
You mean this one? :D...
Thanks for chiming in Ron. The collective knowledge of this forum is amazing. I've done quite a bit of reading over the past week regarding...
Got it. That makes much more sense. The phone pictures don't help. There is about 12 inches of shaft log tube inside the hull, but the weld...
That is excellent Kiwi! Thank you.
And contaminate the alloy with stainless steel???????
Bills pics look absolutely excellent. Was that accomplished with MIG? In a shop or a yard? Upside down? Wind conditions? Turns out a guy at...
Thanks for the input guys. The welder doing the work has been welding around here for more than 30 years, has a good reputation, and came highly...
A few more photos. For reference, the shaft log tube is approx 5 inches in diameter.