We all have our favorite Roamershot... please add yours...
You can't Erik... AKA Nerves of Steel.. You have to make your own. If you do though try to make it bow so it has some design flair to avoid...
Nice Looking Roamer More photos would be great! HOMER
Beautiful... A beatiful thing. Great Shot Jim! We can't get enough of your photos.. more more more!! They are timeless... the 41, makes the...
OK... Here is a rare find.... Aluminum 1966! This is the only 37 or 38 I can find that is "maybe" available.... looks like big blocks too....
Pictures Pictures!! Roamer International wants Erik pictures... You may have the only Roamer in Sweden! The fans are restless, fences down...
Wheel Ring Hi Erik, not sure if I have it or not, but promised it to David.. if I find it will send you the exact size and you can make one.. not...
13.... Not enough!! Well... our record to date is 22 beer balasted or blasted swabies for 19 hours... several kegs, crabs and more... got lost in...
Maritime ... I think I put that one on. Homer here, Maritime was a real beauty. I posted the link when I saw it for sale... w/ photo.. glad to...
Roamer Seats Perko parts for taft rail.. easy to get at Chris Parts I have a real nice set of seats.. Helm and Nav (both) These are in very...
Congratulations David! Well, yesterday must have been a great day! Looks very nice.. I remember years ago when she was at Liberty. I wondered...
Nida-Core Hatches You are welcome Capt. Laurence. If you want to speak to the guy who made them let me know. Of course there are several ways...
Not Side-Oilers.. Sorry The are Ford Truck block 427's. They are called Top Oilers. If the blocks are good, The 427 Cobra Kit Car boys will be...
Hatches for Laurence The product to use is called Nida-core. I have not seen the job yet, but it was done by the boy who did all of Buddy Davis...
Talk Funny.. that's funny CopCat.. that's funny.. now you talk funny and walk funny... you'll just have to be a sitdown comic for a while. Not a...
Three weeks no ROAMER? Say it's not true CopyCat... That's severe withdrawal... who is shaking more, you or your Roamer? I am looking for teak...
True... Roamers live longer than people.. that's why the 41-27 foot range are hard to find.. peoeple are realizing this.. plus the size can be...
Cool The 1967 Roamer is the first year of the 41 I think. Hull number 1 is located in Maryland near Annapolis at Anchor Yacht Basin....
I agree We agree Laurence. However, you don't cast derisive names on anyone's deceased father and certainly don't call a person "little man." A...
Not appreciated "Know it all" Dear Know it all. Your behavior on this forum is unacceptable if I may use a kind word. First, I do not...