Thank You! Yes.. would like to hear from him
Learning Not sure.... just wondering about it for a technical standpoint. All USCC docs are now under the auspices of DHS. Just an intellectual...
Question Can anyone in a an outline format tell me the advantages to selling your US made documented vessel with DHS to a corporation one...
Looks good David! Will catch up with you one day. How is the seat and ladder working out? Homer
Those are rare and you can't get them Some guy on this forum made a clay mold.... those plaques are in demand.. please make a mold for others...
Hungry or Thirsty? Now.. boy was I glad to get away from the Wood Butchers of Maryland. These people in the Carolinas do it right and they are...
OOPS.. Nav station.. will it save us from Irene? NO!! Well this one was tricky.. how to build a nice navigation center that does not look like an...
Spray away men! This is coat one of 5 in the first shoot. The Chromaclear is so shiny even a micro error in prep magnifies. We must sand it...
Spraying.. such an ordeal Maybe not so bad... here is our Rube Goldberg spray booth.. well it worked.. no dust, no nothing... we covered...
Let's talk teak.. Now.. what are your options? Glass it with nonskid... sorry man, we are not into that look. Or you could go with original...
The Door Well, buiding a slider is tough, but saves a lot of space and offers the opportunity to build a Nav Station area lounge. This door is...
Mexicans work cheaper and harder Grab a few Mexicans from a sportfish builder and they can really work! Occupational hazzards abound.... Man...
Homer's Desk Please don't mind all the disorganized sandpapers.... sign of a mad water-logged scientist. Trick is to master prep, then call in...
Helm Getting ready to shoot.. built-out, all electric in helm area, new breakers/wiring.... no more bending over under the seat.. ouch.. dumb...
Updates Enjoy photos.. almost there if she survives Irene... that is. Mexican terrorist getting ready to shoot Dupont Chromaclear 7900s over...
Homer's Roamer at Cape Hatteras!! IRENE vs. ROAMER It is great to see the "Add your Roamer" thread growing. Many new Roamers are appearing none...
Ahhh... the 46. The 46 is a beautiful beast for sure.. I remember a brand new 1969 46 at Bonnie Castle in the 1000's Islands named Beefeater...
Cool Power shot! Let's see some prop :-)
Sweeeet! Now here are two nice Roamers that we, or at least I have not seen before I do not believe? Thanks for sharing!! We hope others will...
Please talk details... I do not know this Roamer?! What year, hull, size.. looks like a 1969 38' ? Nice shot... hope others will post some...