For K1W1 I rest my case, you are about as low class as it gets... anyone who uses language like that on a public forum should be permanently...
Except... Clueless whiny liberals who have systematically obliterated this once great nation bussed into YF under handicapped quota systems......
To karl Karl.... First, this is the address taken from his business card. Second, if you are going to have a forum to help others, stop...
Guage details Chris Craft Gauge Restoration There is a follow who specializes in this and I saw his work at the St. Michael's Antique Boat...
Kocian Instruments Dale Kocian
I did not know Sorry about that.. what is a hot linked image?
Stuff Swim platform was from an old Tiara, cut to fit, shaped, sanded and bleached... total cost $100.00. Bridge came from an old Silverton must...
Pick it out Pick out your teak or you will get whatever they grab and its not all perfect.. you must go to West Palm and do not go to the North...
Stain Chris uses a gross color stain back then,... go natural. It's ribbon stripe Sappele
Oh what a difference a day makes... VIDEO0027.3gp - YouTube
Homer Roamer goes to sea... homeryoutubification's Channel - YouTube It's finally time to leave North Carolina.... home of the slow but good....
Sounds about right... There was no mention of 32V in the brochure... your explanation sounds good and likely.
Maybe? Original brochure indicates 12Volt.... call Jim Wick he knows all.
32Volt? Don't think so, but call Jim Wick... mine was junk when I started.... long road ahead my friend... that is a yacht you have there.
Are You joking? $1200?
$ How much?
Specs Weight 49,000 pounds (gas) 15 foot beam 400 fuel 150 water 6'4'' headroom 11 gauge steel hull sides- 10 gauge steel bottom 20-21 mph if...
8 batteries Again, call Jim Wick at Home... he knows all about that boat.
The solution Get a new girlfriend.... Just kidding. You must be sure the hull is sound if it is steel adn that means getting it surveyed and...
What's a Bradley M2? Well, the Roamer 5086 goes on water and the M2 5086 goes on land. Roamers have better paint jobs though.