Moment built My Issue... With "ice class" It's Beluga now berthed in Monaco. Believe it is around 350 ton.
Why... ?
WOW love this video... check out in HD and the borescoping! CAT C18 Rebuilding ~ Réfection moteur CAT C18 - YouTube
I am going to post in a separate link... some more engine Porno... WOW... and check out the HD borescope! CAT C18 Rebuilding ~ Réfection...
Lots of computer savy people buy a Mac and wipe it then convert to totally Windows/PC operating system. I am not talking about partitioning the...
Thanks... Looking at the photos of the Apple yacht it comes to mind... The yacht is beautifully executed and constructed. This is the...
As to diesel engines: First the caveat... I have little experience with operation and maintenance of engines or knowledge of this model vs that...
My first boat... was a 12 foot all plywood hard chined open motorboat. I started building it at 10 years old and finished it just before I turned...
I have come to the conclusion, for me at least, the definition of an Expedition Yacht has sails... no matter whatever else it has or is!
Understand the pictures are AFTER Beautiful boat and for sale... did some reading on the C32s... the power vs. specific consumption curves are...
I was wondering why cats, cat wave piercers and other etc "unconventional" boats were coming out of Australia and all seemed to be "35m" with...
Been to busy lately to be on the forum much... but it is the season... so rather be enjoying... Anyway, I have been looking on and off looking...
Well check this laser... camera killer... blowup boat popper... cigarette lighter! Homemade Lightsaber!?! MASSIVE 3W Handheld Laser Torching...
Ok... here is another take on the expedition yacht! sea kayaking Sea Kayak Sailing Performance -...
HTM09, I think you are on the right track as far as the primary "yacht" with a "support ship". You simply cannot get everything into a yacht and...
Ok the story on the re-power and lots of other up grades is the owner owns a large CAT dealership and just wanted the latest and greatest...
She is for sale... that picture I believe is after... read over the other work wow!...
Found this last night could not wait to post first thing this morning! I just love it to death... CAT Marine Engines Re-powering an 85' Burger...
The question I have is if you have lets say 20 or 30 tons pushing down on the anchor point... exactly how does a conventional anchor match that......
HTM09 Great pictures... thanks for posting. Too bad about the camera... mine is usually fumbled onto the concrete or over the side in the...