Some import ideas... Those massage ladies... would make good crew members... ! That floating snake river yacht is another idea... sure...
I am sold... !
My thought for you is to get a 40m used... and then get a yacht service vessel to tag along and keep the toys and helicopter on! MYS Preview...
You might get CNM to do up a yacht version... CMN Ocean Eagle 40 trimaran patrol craft at NAVDEX 2013 - YouTube CNM did Slipstream and...
I think the semi-custom lines were not hugely successful because of pre-defined limitations on interior styles and making them too building block....
F.Y.I. the link above to ICAP... KUF the picture on the link to the Trinity of the tanker is not a joke... its an advertisement. At first I saw...
Thanks Rene... really nice video. This sure takes me back. There once upon a time boats this size were the most common bigger boys on the...
Here something you might like Loftbarge 65 | Northrop & Johnson and a little larger with a much nicer interior but surprisingly less...
What is new under the sun? This really takes me back! Now this is a long long time ago. But my maternal grandparents (Him Scottish retired...
More sales and fewer new boats built is my best guess.
We really don't know anything! We can however possibly, assume he is alive somewhere in the middle of the Pacific on either an island or boat!...
Villefranche... !!! Je peux me tromper, êtes-vous marié à Marianne et exactement combien d'argent avez-vous mis à votre demande?
Well in the last 50 years the "SOF" has changed greatly and also has not. Just different people and times I suppose accounts for most of it. Of...
As I remember, the first reports were from a Norwegian anthropologist who could not speak Spanish and she was keeping him. So no wonder the...
If you haven't already seen this video... I love this video it really captures for me what yachting is about... Ah, to be young and sailing!...
Well... I am going to give the man his due... how else did he get this far off of course?
This is really great to hear another classic with us...
These restoration thread are great... all the best with this project. Looks like it is coming along very well. I understand another...
The Yachts The Yachts... all of them aluminum mostly Dubois Sloops... 1997- present Mostly sophisticated European Owners Fitzroy Yachts ::...
KIWI's rocks when it comes to boats... and particularly sail boats!