Harbor Master.... poo .... poo Harbor Master! But things are different if the Prince likes your wife!
Depends on location... but as a rough guide figure the price of a new car... which car depends were you are... but if you think German any one of...
Seems that 80 mph of the 1960's killed more drivers than the 110 today! Actually I having lived through those times... in both cases I thought...
Dennise' Conner made it no longer a gentleman's race... Stars and Stripes design was only part of it.
Well here is the truth of the matter... Chris Rock - Don't argue with a woman (SUB) - YouTube I get a kick out of Chris Rock but it just doesn't...
Twizzle... I know I swore if she came on the market... then I saw the 59 million asking... then looking for excuse then got to thinking off all...
Broker!! What do they do for 5%??? Simple Less than 10%... !
First brokers primary purpose is to be an expert and a "friend" to help find what you want or a buyer for your asset. They are a hired agent for...
Real World... Lots of Boats... few buyers I know of no yacht that is a necessity... unless someone has a very very rare handicap of land...
Buying and selling assets that involve significant money in an international forum is not something one can take lightly. Partly this is my...
The last asking was 28 million dollars... it dropped by 4 million overtime. The Feadship F45 are about the best layout for that size boat. I...
Thanks Brian... watching the video with big smile on my face... of course this drew attention to me and my wife walked behind my chair right at...
Using dollars vs. Euros at that time were x .76 to .8 range now the exchange is more in the x .72. I am using dollars here as I think most of the...
The Last - Escapade Launch photos of the last Fitzroy.... today. Lots of nice photos on the Fitzroy workers Facebook Page... Beautiful... will...
My brother sent me this link today. http://news.yahoo.com/virtually-perfect-plane-231500844--politics.html Its about the 777 Boeing...
I agree with HTM09 the space for crew is not near large enough. In fact, it certainly does not meet the new upcoming ILO Convention 180...
Brian: I really think the idea of using steel tubes for the floats structure makes sense. Also, it becomes more like a cat or a tri or whatever....
Brian... after all this time of reading your beautiful pictures... I finally read your premise for this thread. Well yes and no. A few years ago...
First sorry for the grammatical error... "Now the happened" should have been "Now its happened" YF thanks for your post. It is very true....
A caveat or a few: I have been know to make controversial posts that result in hostilities commencing between Form members and even countries. I...