Arivva She was in Ft. Lauderdale a month or two ago. Here's a photo of her a year or so ago. Owner has a new 300+ Sailboat
Sent you an email for a contact who has experience with this issue.
It's like that in Fort Liquordale too. Thanks for the late night snacks and drinks, Ken Bracewell and friends. Yes, I drove your friends home.
Try contacting Smallwoods' Yachtwear in Fort Lauderdale. They may have made a shirt for some one along the way. Ask for Jimmy Floyd.
The John Sainsborough Lejuez Bridge is now operating on the "Winter" schedule. Daily outbound openings are at 9:00AM, 11:00AM and 4:30PM ....
More BIG sail boats Here are a few from Sint Maarten this past season. Fleurtje Islander Mit Sea Ah Tiara Zingaro
The closest to an F-18 ride for me was a ride in a Fouga Jet, with it's owner Mark Elliott
Bluewater Books & Charts has them, on Cordova
Yes, she was on the commercial dock (port Everglades) last Monday. 2007 FLIBS.... Thursday October 25th, REDLINE MARINE PARTY at R.J. Gators (in the "Publix Plaza") Cordova Road, south of 17th...
More FLL Shots Here are a few shots I took while cruising the Dania Cut, up to Route 95 then down the New River. Battered Bull At Derecktor's...
Please Read The Following Article:
Looks like a Red Neck Yacht:eek:
Here'a link to the latest news, Friday 8PM
Here's D Website:
Here'a chance for all of you to add your two cents to the defination of "Yacht"
Here's a link to another "spider" article
What ever you call it there are still those two happy days of owning one. The best way to enjoy one is having a friend who owns one.
I'd like to see a night view. Wonder how they'll illuminate the surrounding area? Bottom based flood lights?
Here's a link to one for sale http://**************/boats/1624077/0