I'll say it again, and again. Too many cars on the upper decks. . . and, obviously, insufficient ballast. I worked as Chief Mate on these kind...
As one who sailed on that type of vessel for several years, and passed ships close-aboard in several ports, including Brunswick, I can assure you...
Capt J, it isn't the engineer who's responsible for ballasting the vessel [usually], it is the chief mate or cargo mate. I know, because I sailed...
As a retired commercial mariner, with a Masters AGT Oceans license, I held the USCG somewhat in contempt. As a citizen, I hold them in...
Having sailed on PCC's for a couple of years - one a Chief Mate, I'm very curious as to the loading plan/stability calculations. It was quite...
As it stands now, I won't be attending - but not because of COVID. As far as that's concerned, MASK-UP and enjoy. . Maybe some of the indoor...
Well, my friend, read the thread: It wasn't about vector plotting. . . And we will engage if asked, however we will opine freely amongst...
I guess I'm not following your logic with the EBL, so please don't take this the wrong way - but on a deep sea vessel, we don't care if the yachty...
But - in the DEEP SEA world, we keep it really simple - "I intend to pass astern of you!" We leave out the "fluff"! And on another note - Ones...
Aw Hell. . . I can't resist throwing a little atomized gasoline [excuse me, "accelerant"] into this thoughtful and hyperbolic conversation....
Recognizing that we are pleasure boaters, not commercial, 46CFR15.705 has an interesting take. "(b) Subject to exceptions, 46 U.S.C. 8104...
Crap, I dunno who's who. ;)o_O WAFI's are a special breed, for sure. But given the close-quarters, to me it's all "special circumstances", so...
Well, of course not. Rule 17. But in the video, had the vessel not altered course to starboard, it appears that a collision would still have...
One word, and ONLY ONE WORD: GUINNESS Amplifying word: "LOTS"
Wouldn't Rule 12 apply?: Starboard tack is stand-on. But there's probably a racing rule that applies too - and I'm not a racer. . .
I don't know the time of your data farming, but Johns Hopkins has a different number as of 08:40. They are not posting the number tested...
Elling E4. Read the review by Judy under "Reviews". She's talking about the boat!!!
Received while my vessel [ATTACH] is on the hard at LMC!! [IMG] [IMG] March 26, 2020 Dear LMC Customer, Broward County has issued an...
Yeah. . . On the hard. . . Already dealing with "mission-creep". . . sigh. Apparently water has gotten into places where water doesn't belong. ....
Not a pilot. Iām remembering my Navy days when on the ship we monitored two frequencies 121.5 ā international air distress, and 243.0 ā military...