Interesting to see how these yachts with traditional, flared bows take big head seas. The flare clearly keeps the bows from plunging dangerously...
Are any of the new synthetic teak flooring lines worth considering? Do they outperform teak in terms of maintenance, cost or durability? I recall...
I am not attending the Miami show this year, but I'd enjoy hearing about it from people who went -- how were the crowds, how was the ease or...
Makesumwake It might not be a terrible idea to book three or four day charters on different yachts in the location you will base your new boat....
With an Azimut, at least the company is in business and there is some sort of support from Marine Max. I am pretty sure Aicon is not supported in...
Older Boater is right. Friends who own a boatyard/marina/mooring field in NE said that for the first time in many years they have had empty slips...
Given the jaggedy sheerline, cacophony of clashing window shapes, clutter of clunky guard rails forward, and random, chaotic application of...
My favorite marine publication is "Messing in Boats" -- black and white, rough paper stock, devoted to home boat builders and small boats. The...
I'm old enough to recall when every issue of Yachting magazine was at least an inch thick, when Rudder was a fine magazine edited by Boris Lauer...
I do not own one but I've read a number of very positive comments about Riviera boats that are made by the same company. Two friends who have...
Is the Bradford yard on Grand Bahama defunct after the hurricane? Would that be a possible place to store the boat on the hard?
Pictures are wonderful -- thanks Gibdan. Never seen that odd mega-catamaran Royal Falcon One. Anyone know anything about it?
Consider Stuart. Lots of good waterfront properties with docks, the town is thriving and attractive, no high rises in Martin County so it feels...
The photo of the beached Marlow is startling but I'm amazed the adjacent docks look intact. Also pleased to see a number of houses in the back of...
Immediate relief and help from Pascal and so many others is admirable and needed. I fear for the Abacos and Grand Bahama when Dorian disaster...
Good for you Pascal and everyone involved with your help to Green Turtle.
I follow a terrific blog by a couple named Chilberg who live aboard their Grand Banks 49. Alas, they were caught in Marsh Harbor by Dorian. They...
Yves Tanton web site is still active -- maybe contact Yves to see if he knows whereabouts.
Slight problem for yachts -- it is an actual jet engine and the super-hot exhaust roaring from the bottom will melt fiberglass or turn teak into...
Haven't seen Horizon or Cheoy Lee mentioned, How do they stack up?