I just signed up on this forum today, but for the record, Mario found a very nice 58YF, and Carl Guzman recently sold his 67CPMY. I met Mario...
I assume it was obvioius I peeked at your personal profile to see you have a 32' Wellcraft. My first twin engine boat was an '83 26' Wellcraft...
Thanks YF admin guy, like I've said before, bad things happen to good people with good credit and little self-restraint. :D Nice place you got...
Thanks for the welcome CaptainSilva. That's a mighty fine 32' Wellcraft Sportfisher you have pictured in your avatar. Never saw one with an...
I ran across this forum while Googling for information on a 12V71N. I currently own a 1974 Hatteras 58TC as well as a 1965 Hatteras 41DC. Both...