Finished the Tenn-Tom today and stopped at Turner Marine for the night. Other than the water being a lot lower than the northbound trip, all is...
BOLO for a 70’ Pershing that left Bobby’s Fish Camp this morning. We were on the dock with them, after they FINALLY moved forward after washing...
Textbook locking perfection today with zero delays at the three locks on this leg. Left Columbus Marina around 5:15 or so and hit Demopolis around...
Ran out of luck at Amory, but not bad. 45-60 minute delay on a northbound tow. Thank God it wasn’t going south. :D
Hitting the locks well so far, and Wilkins comes up in about 30 minutes. Anyone who doesn’t want a free boat wash should use the LDB side of...
Departed Grand Harbor at 5AM and hope to make Columbus. We’ll see, but the lock gods will have to REALLY be on our side. Short day yesterday...
Made the diversion canal at 7. Current was 5-6MPH. Sure is more fun going with it instead of against it!
I’m at Polestar now awaiting an AC water pump that I ordered on Friday. Been miserable since Thursday when it went out. Flooding on the...
It was perfectly flat today. Bringing that 53MY south and left Cheboygan MI yesterday. Stayed at Jacobsen’s in Frankfort and headed out about...
Well, 30 days later, the trip from Stuart, FL to Racine, WI ended at about 7PM yesterday. We left Sunrise Bay Marina at 5:15AM, and O’Brien was...
It’s always better running with company, and Dave is a great guy to cruise with. Almost 30 days in, and we’re still laughing and enjoying the...
Got the arch down this morning with zero damage. Late start with that, then a major delay at Dresden Lock. Long story, but it was “exciting”...
Just us and a small, USACE surveying boat. FINALLY got the thing fixed, and we were reasonably fortunate at Mersailles only having to wait on one...
We are now literally trapped inside this lock! LOL
Made it to Starved Rock with zero delay, but the dang lock doors are broken. Got them working long enough to get us in the chamber, but now they...
Bummer! Was hoping maybe to meet up at some point on the Illinois. Starved Rock is open, so the next three days will be interesting. We’re...
I just made it to the boat after a burger at The Boat House. We’re docked right beside you. I noticed your boat was listing, so I drained one...
From my tow buddy just now. Captain of the Port has opened the safety zone in Peoria. I am underway northbound now. Said pleasure craft is...
My tow buddy confirmed the 3 and 1 is still in effect. If they hold us a day, we’ll just deal with it.
Slight change in plan for us. I’m still driving to Polestar tomorrow, but Dave has them scheduled to remove the arch Tuesday morning. Hopefully...