very unique projet and very special yacht. name owner wife First letter 'HANA' long video corridor has two meanings, 1- neom city 2- tender storage
62m. amels calypso [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [MEDIA]
november start refıt. new paınt and interior change. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
body paint sample (still under consideration) [ATTACH]
aquarama and aquarama super the difference? aquarama (33) [ATTACH] aquara super [ATTACH] type 33,I added it to my boat with a special request.
for sale 79. million euro.2200 engine hours.
elevator daily clean process [ATTACH]
the owner is russian and has been here for 2 years,She rarely goes to nearby places
today new samsung flıp 5 try first foto. [ATTACH]
refit before [MEDIA]