Can Hike Metal in Wheatley?
Thanks:) I also read that on a sister ship an attempt to test the ship's gun killed one sailor and injured 6. :( This is a Keystone Navy methinks.
A question for those more knowledgeable. I note the Venezuelan ship was built as a Stealth class Littoral patrol vessel. The Norwegians lost a...
With the growth of the cruise industry about 500,000 people are at sea at any given time. There was no mainland protocol in place for what to do...
Interesting report on the German Site DW looking at the significant difference in death rates between Germany and Italy and Spain and comparing...
Your dream is the same is mine but I will never ever have the budget to do it:( ... but if I ever won a big lottery:) ... the Burger Northlander...
A nor'easter turned into a 'bomb cyclone'. This occurs when the air pressure drops 24 millibars in 24 hours (about 3/4 of an inch). In the event...
All crew rescued alive. Good job!
This one is a wood hull and wood superstructure by Bilgin in 2008. Just back from a major refit apparently. Wonder if there is a connection.
Post#19 brought to mind a site I stumbled across awhile back - It concerns the 2002 refit of a 1966 Hargrave Burger yacht Koala in...
I use a site called It is a fairly comprehensive listing of current and past US and Canadian shipyards and the boats...
Is the pilot cost variable based on length? Northern Star, now Bella Vita, was sold in 2017. The ask was 83 million euros although I don't know...
Good history on Wikipedia. Just google Theodore Too Wiki. A replica. Single Cat 3406. Have seen him too over the years. He turns 20 next...
She is powered by 4 Lister Blackstone diesels @660Hp. The company went through a number of buy outs and name changes before ending up as part of...
Latest refit converted her to being a small cruise ship offering 7 and 12 day island itineraries in Indonesia. 30 passengers in 15 cabins....
A Betram 38 it would appear.
The expedition cruise ship Clipper Adventurer is stuck on a rock in the Canadian Arctic. Charts indicated 68 meters of water under the hull but...
At the risk of wasting more bandwith... Insurance companies don't care so much about the number of litigants as they do the size of the...
Some might find interesting.
"They" evaluated nothing. "They" published an opinion piece from a guy named Riedl who is with the Heritage Foundation a conservative, religious...