Interesting stuff. If I read the brochure correctly the Silent 55 seems to come with two trampolines as standard equipment, Does having the...
The monetization is a Brit thing. Any story about a well known celebrity, politico or Royal and you get the cost of everything in the picture....
Reports that firefighters, realizing boats involved were a loss, concentrated on stopping fire from spreading to an adjacent building containing...
Answered my own question by using the search in a different way. Post is by Lenny on December 19, 2017.
Am I correct in recalling that the 78 was named Grand Cru and was/is owned by a YF member who posted lovingly about her on several occasions? I...
Hatteras uses vacuum infusion with Divinycell too. The Devil is in the Details and Hatt seems to attend to those. There is a good recent (2018)...
I have friends with a Neptunus 50 something. Seems well built. They really like it. I've been on board once and liked it but I'm no expert. Cat...
Coincidentally I had recalled a video walkthrough of her because I like that particular design. Checked back = it was November 2019 the video was...
Simply stunning. Immaculate engine room. Imagine all that in a 76 footer.
That's why the Ford Motor Company is incorporated in Delaware. They don't make a lot of cars there.:)
As a long time bar owner I have always welcomed support dogs even long before it was a legal requirement and kept a supply of water bowls and...
I think AFT and Theriault are the same yard. I think the other yard is Kanter (Cantors are at the Synagogue:)) They have a good rep locally for...
In my rambles around the Web I stumbled across a new Polish builder called Cormorant in Gdansk. I know nothing about them or their boats and this...
I am not trying to answer the OPs question because I have neither the knowledge or experience but I read a lot and would like to know if I am on...
I see that all of the West Bay SS current offerings right down to the smallest (66) are painted. I guess Ben agreed with you on the gelcoat.
While the 58 was designed by a trifecta of Ben Vermuelen (WBS Owner). Howard Apollonio and Glade Johnson, the 54 is the work of well known BC...
Gee. Pretty good design pedigree. Ginton of Holland and Hot Lab of Milan. Hull and bow shape is all the rage - Horizon, OA even the recently...
Unbalanced profile for sure. Homely as a hedge fence. Is it a Sunseeker? I ask because their newly announced 42. while similar. has a much...
And one final thought. van der Valk is currently building a 23.55 M steel hull full displacement explorer as a custom build for delivery in...
Reading all of this brought to mind a design I thought was good looking by American Jon Overing. Allegro 24. I don't think one has been built....