That last photo reminds me of a P-51 shark mouth w/o his dentures.
That is interesting. The divers I have dealt with ask to have the boat power shut down, even unplugged, while they do their thing, which is...
Welcome, good luck.
The simple thing to start with is disconnecting the rudder from the whole assembly to determine if its a mechanical issue like binding as Pascal...
I have one of these I've been successful following wires behind drywall in houses and behind headliners and fiberglass on boats. This unit will...
I would like to tour that boat.
A circuit tracer might help you there.
Do you have any 120 volt outlets on the rear deck ? Do you have one or two on the bridge ?
Or entitled people who could care less about others, the highways are full of them.......
Hi, Older boat but similar layout. In the picture you posted, my boat has a duplex outlet mounted above the power inlet and the power inlet...
That would be nothing new. Diesel Electric Tugs have been around for ages, as were D.E. submarines. These must be newer technology than that.
Is that 18 Volts at the starter while it is cranking ?
Same here. When the OP said the said the waste and fresh sides interconnected, I thought mybe he also has a fresh water flush or he thought one...
And the Numarine survived. That will be an excellent advert for Numarine
Hi, What year is your boat ? Do you have two tanks, one Starboard & one Port under the back deck ? Or if not, were are your tanks located ?
Congrats. Glad you had a good ride.
And use TefGel on the stainless threads too
Are there indicator lights or alarms at the helm that alert the captain/crew of critical doors left open ? Seems like a dumb question given the...
You are right, but I have seen Carvers and Oceans with similar accessability problems,so not just Azimuts. When you preach accessability I listen...
Hi, My 46 is from 1980. The tanks are centered like yours, no transfer pump. There are ball valves on the bulkhead beneather the saloon door for...