You would enjoy my birding club, where guys wait for hours to take that one perfect shot with their $10K lenses. I rarely get recognition with...
Don't get Outdoor Life network or Versus. I'm hoping for a mainstream broadcaster picking it up, say ESPN.
And the duck practising it’s ski jumping landing technique...
Apparently the seagull lost all it’s motor skills after swallowing that tennis ball…
It would be a shame if the networks overlooked the biggest sailing event... America's Cup 2010 Television Broadcast Schedule: No television...
The return of the sun calls for some freighter shots…
I haven’t paid much attention to it (boats sink every day) but have perused a page here and there. Currently there have been 83,663 views of...
Sharp eye, my guess is APL GERMANY...
Correct, you must have friends in Alaska, as this is top secret gas station stuff. :D 116′ Chevron Legacy built by Ketchikan Shipyard / Alaska...
Queenship's new "Meriweather"
It got a lot of press here in Vancouver. Here's a photo of it when undergoing its circumnavigation back in Aug 2006 Famous boats make for...
I'm always thrilled about subsidizing services I never use: _________________________ "Other cost reductions and shelved projects have helped...
Washington Marine Group (Victoria BC) was commissioned to build it for $25Million. Interesting enough, soon thereafter the parking meters...
Ya sure, a birch canoe and some paddles ... thanks. sorry couldn't resist, it was a free one.
They say there is no such thing as "Bad publicity". I'm thinking Earthrace has paid for itself a dozen times over.:cool:
Looks like we’re heading for Green Olympics, and I don’t mean that in ecological terms. The Hawaiian pineapple express is giving us temperatures...
Looks like Vancouver and the Feds are handing out ultimatums to the derelicts in English Bay...
Here are some more ideas from our well-grounded Arab friends. I’m hoping for a Hotel resembling a rusty beached oil tanker....
The chain is there, you can see it clearly if you download the photo onto your PC and then brighten it. __________________________-...
Dubai is referred to as an Architectural Disneyland, with a hodgepodge of one off buildings dreamed up by world architects that would not be...