Well here's Magic!:D
No, try again...
Au Natural :)
A actress owned this yacht in in the early 30's, and after that, the USCG took it over during WWII? Give me the name and yard of this yacht...
Fils de Grace and J & K Smit... If it's right, i'll be back in a little while, have to get dinner started :eek:
Yes! Back to you again!:)
Type: Motor Launched: May 28, 2006 Length: >40 m <50 m
Mia Elise???
Yes indeed! You're up again :)
I've thought about it, but everyone knows me by V65...LOL:D
Any Capt's that have some advise that make frequent trips in the Caribbean... What marina's do you recommend to fuel at or to steer clear from...
36.6 m, Righini, 2006
Correct and quick!;) You're up next, Coenharbour...
48.30 m, 2006, ITA, 1993
Jules Verne
That's correct! You're up next :)
No... Clue: She's 47.65 m shorter than Christina O
Name of this yacht...