And you get to escape that formerly wonderful City, Portland Oregon! We will end up with a crew of volunteers, entertained by our twin 7 year old...
40 meter. We need 5 staterooms.
Perfect. It will be a while as we discover our taste for longer cruises or not. If we end up using you, we could list you as ballast, or maybe a...
Big plane, pressurized and fast. Cool!
Shucks, now I have to google that! Stand by.
My favorite yacht styles are the late 1970s Feadships like Berilda.
I will do this with ours. Good info!
Your point about an engineer is one I hadn’t thought of. BTW, the reason my thinking keeps circling around what boat(s) to get is because this is...
The rear prop would take and accelerate what it received from the front, no problem. The centerline thrust eliminates the sudden yaw and control...
What a cool plane! I am trying to think what I would do with it. Push/pull jetprop floatplane, wow.
Those refurbished Albatrosses were beautiful machines.
And if we have an urgent need for sparkling bilges, we know to contact JustAzimut.
IF we find we really love long cruising, probably the WP 172 for the Pacific. Or if we find ourselves spending lots of time in China doing...
Sorry JustAzimut, I will probably go motor yacht, sparkling bilges notwithstanding. Sailing has its appeal, but in the end motor will win out, I...
I confess I love the look of a sailing yacht. Also being under way borne only by the wind razzles my dazzle. Heeling? Gotta experience that on a...
All responses gratefully received and enjoyed.
What are the arguments against buying a 40 meter sailing yacht for the Pacific. I am aware of course of speed limitations. What else should be...
Do some manufacturers have better manuals than others?
How about operating the complex electrical systems? Checking the fire detection and fuel purification systems? The stabilizers? This can be...