This is the Great Undiscussed Issue in aviation. The unsuitability of many non Western crews. The unwillingness to challenge the Captain’s...
Engine failures occur periodically. The interesting thing about the 777 incident is the failure was not contained by the cowling. Bad juju. An...
Good diagnostics. Stressful situation too!
Not any sort of emergency cutoff?
Meghann, PM me.
My initial attraction to Westport was the standardization of models and the resulting reliability of construction and maintenance. In aviation, it...
yes! A clear inheritor of the great Epistemological mantle of Aristotle etc. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Yachtosopher!
We would want a trusted knowledgeable rep on site, allowing us to visit the project from time to time. Everybody’s thoughts are very helpful. In...
I will ask for a book of photos of each stage of construction. These yachts are complex critters, more than I thought, and I am accustomed to...
I guess it is a very enjoyable time, watching the build.
LOL. I intend to. Olderboater is my I Ching, my Sum of All Wisdom.
What is the experience like to observe the construction? We are not going to do a custom boat, just a Westport probably. So, how much time is...
Instead of searching the interweb, I decided to ask y’all.
I had thought most hulls and structure assemblies were steel. Guess not!
As an aviation guy, I am astonished to learn some yachts have aluminum hulls. Heesen for example. I would to love to know how corrosion is...
I like it.
I guessed there was a good reason. Thanks. I just hope the cure is not worse than the disease. Starvation in poor countries, etc.
Fair enough. My point was, and probably poorly expressed, is why do we quarantine between countries when the virus already is everywhere. Good...
Curious why, as the virus is worldwide, are these precautions necessary. Maybe old and sick people should protect themselves while the rest of us...
Our bed has ELEVEN pillows.