That boat won't fish. Typical conditions offshore will swamp those motors. Can't backdown worth a darn, lots of whitwater to hinder fish seeing...
Good to hear. Hope your enjoying it.
Only time bow thruster has been used was in new river. Couple of manatees traveling with us against the current. They weren't making much headway,...
Can't say I disagree. Plus they only buy 10 gallons at a time.
From experience the original water pumps do suck. Replaced with after market, no issues. That's the only nonmaintenance thing that was replaced on...
It's most likely a mechanical 370 bta. I owned a new pair that vintage. Cr came soon afterwards. Good motors if all normal maintenance is done and...
We have record numbers of people watching this forum, please let's not go down this rabbit hole. We can discuss the pros and cons politely.
Let's not go down that rabbit hole. I've owned both types and each has their place.
With twin engines and bow thrusters everywhere operators have not learned how to spring a boat from a dock. My folks Gulfstar with single Perkins...
I don't see a problem!!!!
It's amazing to me how many large vessels aren't moored properly. From not fastened to the cleat properly, incorrect use of spring lines, under...
We use the felt type on our 60 sf. It all boils down to keeping them clean. Analogy is when you wash your car do you use a very clean, soft wash...
So we use kites alot when targeting sailfish. They fly at 45° to each other and provide at good bait presentation. They will just fall out of the...
Sorry but lost a ton of respect for coast guard recently. Coming back from Virginia key with tender in tow get pulled over coming in hillsboro...
A good recession will fix some of the problems. A paint ball gun isn't a bad idea either. Had a 5 engine midnight express run up our stern with...
Sent you a message.
Or we could use lead acid/agm batteries and forget about fires and all the necessary fire resistant containers. I'd sleep better at night for...
Yes engine room envy is alive and well.
Just signed paperwork for cat c32 ex warranty platinum plus total coverage 5 yr, 6000 hr new motors, $13k each motor
Imagine that's to keep motor compact in size "relatively "