Few more. That's it for now.
Was able to get on Bread during FLIBS and had a quick tour. Beautiful interior highlighted by detailed wood finish, gold fixtures, huge crew...
Judy, I could use all the help with the Big Guy in the Sky (making up for my terrible teen years). I really posted the photos of Verizon to...
Brendan, Welcome to YF and congrats on your new ride. That is an oldie and you must love wood enough to grab one as your first boat. If you want...
Shazam, I guess I'm spoiled by watching TowBoatUS use bags to raise yachts down here. Hope it works out for Gar.
If I may. I don't get tired of responding to disasters, that's my job. I get tired of seeing the pain in people, the hurt, the despair. I'm on...
Back in the Rockaways, the sand belongs on the beach, not the roads, sidewalks, basements. The boardwalk was wiped out as was the sand....
Over in Freeport, Long Island, NY, inside Jones Inlet, destruction was evident on the Nautical Mile. Restaurant burned out. Iconic eatery...
A few more fire scenes. And this is not even the 100+ homes that burned down in Breezy Point.
It must have been scary, not knowing if you would drown in the rising water or bite it from the fires. Here are some images from Belle Harbor, NY.
Able to help the community with some of our gear. Here's a disaster trailer where we were not only charging phones but making sandwiches and...
Around the streets in Far Rockaway. Row of stores that burned during the flood. Have to imagine the force of the water rolled this car....
God, I hope you're not a dude. lol
Was back up in New York last week helping the recovery in the Rockaways. Did tour around a little to better understand the enormity of the event....
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm glad I was able to capture the essence of the 54 at night amidst the boat show. It really is a pretty yacht.
Did they consider using inflatable bladders to float it up and hold it in position? Maybe then a diver could have gone under and screwed in...
What needs to cure is the check so it can be cashed before you put a stop to it. I've replaced the canvas twice on my previous boat and it didn't...
Oh man, I had it all wrong. When I saw the thread title of "Tender Question", I was thinking more of "Will you respect me in the morning?" :D
Thanks Dave. Just got home today and need to post a few more shots of the devestation from Sandy. Funny thing is that as bad as things are that I...