Dock lines stay at the dock. Boat lines stay with the boat. It's only an extra set, cost wise and saves a lot of energy while docking at your...
Here are some vids, perhaps of interest.
Noticing some signatures appearing this evening.
Only noticed two drilled holes on the outside. Figured two x two = four small pipe elbows glued-in, would divert the flow from the dock....
A little vid, regarding Isinglass. [MEDIA]
Mod the holes with an elbow - Street 45 or 90, angled back. [ATTACH]
Giffy Full Associates [ATTACH]
Google search = boat washes up on beach in brazil 14 September 2014
Yes. Just trying to show it's not that fuzzy on new YF. Only needs minor adjustment for 96 x 96 (pic = 95 x 100). P.S.- Found link to old YF on...
Browser = IE 11 Hmmmm.
Will try, again, to post an attachment pic, using More Option; except not Previewing post. [ATTACH] P.S.- This is interesting. Deleted post,...
Tried again as Old Phart and still not a go situation. Selected Preview and never found Post Reply, after Preview.
Hmmmmm. Seems to be one two many oxygen molecules in the discussion.
You could hire a Captain for the day. PM Ed (NYCAP123)....
Should be able to do the trip with full fuel tanks, with some left.
Some wonder why Mop and Glo does not work. :D Mop & Glo - Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner 32 Ounce.(Pack of 3): Health & Personal Care
Take the water route. Enjoy the foliage....
Will the engines WOT in neutral? Engines have these?...
Share some info. Engines: Gas or diesel? Make and model? Mercury or Volvo? Inboard or I/O?
Do both engines draw from the same tank? Anyone check or change fuel filter(s) recently? How about the flame arrestors (air filters)?