Certainly hope this is not the origin of the famous KFC saying. o_O
Bermuda is in for a tough Friday. Don't know how long the webcam will survive; but here's the link for a front row seat....
The Internet shows a similar arch setup; however the pics show the tender positioned length-wise and not beam-wise, as in the OP pic.
All 10 posts. Yes, that would be an exhausting task. Great advice (recommendation). You really believe the prior owner will fix anything, now?...
Would help if a Senior Member were to read all of a new member's post in a Thread (Technical Discussion) before adamantly replying, in error....
[ATTACH] o_O Check posts for http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?members/beauregard.43483/...
Does this boat also have a bad vibration and an obnoxious fume detector?
So, is this the only boat for sale? Next time, get a different surveyor. [ATTACH]
Ralph's comment +2; but my neck cramped. Took the liberty of turning the sketch 90 degrees. [ATTACH]
Let the fun begin. WebCam shows Docks being placed.
Don't forget to check the local Tide Chart. o_O :D
May have seen some on a cruise, somewhere. o_O...
[ATTACH] This what you mean?
Relevance is directly related to pay scale.
Still not able to find the Preview button in your post or mine, below the input box. [ATTACH]
Tic. Toc. Been 5 hours. Appears Neil could use a new watch. :D
How were PT boats constructed?
Way off base. Stevie wrote the song for them, became aware of a possible split, did the song herself (Don Henley, too). Jessie stayed with...
Bummer. There goes the Participation Trophy Generation members. [ATTACH]
Let us not forget Jessi Colter and Stevie Nicks.