Still is.
As an adult, you should feel shame for your post.
Interesting post. Apparently, you are not happy with a prior response....
Left coast version of a nature-call in the wild.
Something like this?
Link works, now.
Google is having a similar experience providing a good link....
Link now working, thank you. P.S.- Looking good! P.P.S.- Also noticed some of Md's finest were...
The link provides an email communicate with Shutterfly. [ATTACH]
Clicked on your Shutterfly link and posted the result, in prior post. Was in hopes something magical would cause the pics to appear, now;...
Gotta love restorationists. Where to next, Captain. [ATTACH]
These boaters should prove helpful.
May not be your cup of tea; but spend a little time having a look-see at the links. Has any of this been a part of life, lately?...
Here's something to satisfy the need, occupy time, and tease the fish....
Too easy. o_O
Some food for thought: http://www.**************/boats/1996/Oceanfast-Sportfish-2715671/Miami/FL/United-States#.VFEypE0tBxA
True, however, NYCAP123 seems to have missed that info.
A.I. bots doing battle with A.I. Admins. Well, at least Carl could get some sleep, while his A.I. counter-part battles the Black Hatters.
Personless keyboard Forums o_O Great idea. Just imagine the bandwidth savings.
Here's a novel for your reading pleasure during your winter hiatus: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Synopsis:...