Are you boarding on the port side? And if so when you board to starboard it is not as "tippy", correct? The drawings indicate you moved 600lbs of...
Does anyone know of a digital listing of all marine businesses?
Assuming a Glendenning, it could be the flex shaft in the tach cable drive adapter. Past experience with an 892 it would wear down and tach stops...
I assume the observation that you are not reaching WOT is based on something other than the tach?
Yacht name "TA (next letter unknown)" anyone buy a vowel?
I'm glad your brought this up, those are many questions I have been seeking answers to. I posted a similar question in another forum however there...
Are you saying they don't stop on a dime? Of course they need a couple three miles to stop however it appeared to me the wash was still going...
Looks like the ship with the "steering problem" never came off the throttles?
As you a designing and building a custom yacht, how will You bring your yacht into the 21st century? What systems are you using? I'm sure we would...
I was referring to swapping the set from one side to the other. Once swapped if the port shows 17.4gph, and the starboard then shows 2.1gph well...
How difficult to switch the sensors from one side to the other to get a baseline and narrow down the issue? OR Swap the two gauges to start a...
Doesn't someone trying to board approach the boat and try to board without firing shots? Isn't that the time to stand there as if you are...
I think we can all agree that oil is evil and downright detrimental to mother earth! Therefore.... I suggest we suck all of it out of the ground...
there are hundreds of "yachts" listed that are either millions wrong in price or a hundred feet wrong in length. Most are quite obvious and my...
I don't think an 1830 scanner will connect, I think you need an 1832, but furuno will certainly give you the answer, www, hmmmm old...
Fake teak costs as much as real teak, just no maintenance. Flexi now has some new colors from the freshly sanded to the bleached to the weathered....
Friend of mine ran a 62' striker, Hakvoort built, installed a hydraulic American bow thruster. No issues and it was a great help getting that...
I did not ring, however, I did think of something else. Good latex/nitrile gloves. The blue ones, sized to fit (XL) not those one size fits all....
crap! wrote a long one and my thumbs hit the mouse pad, all gone now. Sorry, you are on your own. Get a bunch of electrical stuff though. Don't...
I am far from a sailboater but for the first time in a long while I watched the CUP, I think they were in SanFran? Much more interesting. I think...