If I were the 2nd potential buyer, I would get a different surveyor AND buy the first survey, compare the two and use that data to make a decision...
If was empty, I would not immediately blame the pump. It certainly did its job to send the fluid to the path of least resistance.
So the plot is a girl doesn't like her sugar daddy because she doesn't like the gift of a yacht? Did she want a jet? She sounds spoiled and needs...
The ex-owner may have wanted to get his personals off the boat, I don't think they give you the option of emptying the boat prior to grabbing it....
When you are testing, one or the other pilot pumps are valved off? Yes I would think it could be power steering but it could also be air in the...
Define "responding" And are you referring to using it in Nav mode or Auto? Do you use the same compass for both primary and backup? Do you have...
I translate as "salaries to be made as crew". Her occupation is "office manager" and her interests are "yachts" perhaps a career change?
THAT is very cool, it weighs about 100lbs more than the comparable 200hp Yamaha but the added torque and that 220amp alternator.... nice.
I wonder if a pod wouldn't be a better selection for running gear. I expect the engine started right up because it wasn't running when it rolled...
Is it self righting or was the crane giving it help?
50amp/125 is often an RV setup.
What if he did part of the loop instead of running down the east coast.
While I assume most larger boats have a centrifuge before the day tank, why not spin it before it goes into the main tanks as well and reduce the...
I forgot where I was. I should have been more specific. Let's say a dialed down 80 gallons a minute. NOT a fuel rate of someone who "bunkers".
Is there a centrifuge in the 10-15k range that can spin the fuel as fast as it is being pumped?
Stunning, length?
Try a flexible tube instead of hard copper to get all the way fwd and down.
It depends on who does the enforcing. [MEDIA] Clearly a solo trip without someone on watch is selfish to those who may encounter you. A solo...
Put a piece of styrofoam cut to the size of the rectangle/square box and put it in the top of the box. It will insulate the food/bait from the...