By jumping in the water and swim as far as possible away from the boat before it explodes! :D
So what? Riva and Sanlorenzo are both WAY better than Sunseeker, but that's not what the OP asked. FWIW, I fully agree with what Pascal said ref....
Lying on the seabed, more than likely! :D Sorry for the cruel joke, I couldn't resist. I can't help with regard to sourcing a prop in FL either,...
Why? I'm not familiar with halibuts here in the Med, but one of our largest catches is bluefin tuna, and the larger ones are widely regarded as...
It isn't just Tides, all lip seals rely on perfect shaft smoothness by design, since the sealing ring is constantly rubbing against the shaft....
Indeed. Thanks to RossC for enlightening us. Sounds to me like a solution to a problem that never existed and never will, but... Hey-ho! :D
Am I wrong in recalling that you had corrosion problems? BTW, have you got their so-called gen 2 face seal, or one of the older lip seals?...
CR, I believe you must be confusing PSS with Tides. In fact, the latter is indeed a lip seal, and allows to keep a spare ready to replace a worn...
That made me wondering, either. I guess RossC was actually referring to some sort of engines sync device. But if not, I'd be also curious to hear...
Yes, but it ain't a big tin, really. Can't speak for the OP boat (or any others with a similar setup, for that matter), but in mine those 5 fuses...
Good for you, 'cause when they do, they have the bad habit to stay stuck closed. In fact, coming to think of it, I've only ever seen fuses on...
I can't be positive about your Simrad display, but many transducers are actually built by Airmar, and they just come with the appropriate plug...
Welcome to the club! I also keep coming across something I've never seen before on a boat, after 30+ years of boating. :D Though fuses for...
I half recall to have sen in a 55 fly a schematic drawing of the boat on stbd side of the lower helm, with LEDs showing what is on/off. I can't be...
Wow. You told me about the lively (to put it very mildly!) maiden voyage of Dream Chaser, when many years ago I came to see her in FLL and you...
Welcome to internet! :D
Me too, and yes they did. Actually, all of those up to 65' were single screw, IIRC.
I am actually based in southern Sardinia, just about on the opposite side of the island (which is big!). But it only takes a knowledge of the...
In Nardò ring (southern Italy), talking of average speed doesn't make any sense. It's a circular ring, all at a constant banking angle, specially...
Aha, thanks for enlightening me. Every day is a school day! :)