Surely someone other than the captain was in command during this fiasco. Like the owners young son who found the liquor cabinet open. Whoever it...
If you do decide to bring her down the river and are planning to use the Tenn Tom ,check with the corps of engineers to see if the Demopolis, Al....
You're cheating yourself out of a great trip by putting it on a trailer.
Can you replace that with B7 threaded rod? It's not as corrosion resistant as SS but it's stronger.
Also called a strobe light.
Yes, a lack of water flow will cause this. A bad run capacitor among other things will also cause it, but I would verify water flow before I...
Lake water will corrode those blocks from the inside out and the cold Midwest winters will find any water you manage to leave in the low spots and...
You may want to call Wharton Creek to see if they can look it up for you. I assume they still have all the drawings. I've never seen a seal like...
Is there even room to get them in place in the engine room without moving a bulkhead and everything that's attached to it?
I use "Marine Wheels" in Southport.( Panama City) but you could call Saunders Yachtworks in Gulf Shores and ask about someone closer to your location.
You should be able to get them from Viking. Is that the boat that was for sale in Santa Rosa last week?
I know the 46 has that bench but I've never seen one on a 42.
I have the same cockpit refrigerator/freezer but mine doesn't have the internal lids, only the insulated hinged lid. Mine has a folding hatch...
You should be able to use a degree level or angle finder to determine the deadrise at a particular spot in the hull from the inside with the boat...
Miller builds a great boat. There are quite a few in the commercial fleet around Panama City. Get the hull number and call Miller Marine and talk...
Same here. 30 year old coils and no issues.
Look under the windows and around the hatches. 671tib's?
Add some Marvel Mystery Oil to each cylinder for a day before trying to rotate it again.
My sign reads "trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again ".
Have you tried rotating the engine by hand? Pulling injectors is a project.