sorry for jacking this, but I didnt know if it was appropriate to start a new thread since this one is kinda related.... Found it searching...
Wow, a pain to read... google translator? :p anyways, there are a couple of things to just comment - i'm not sure what kind of reaction you were...
You dont need anything in those places I wouldnt think... more attractive targets to go after... plus, at the range of size you are looking at (or...
VvS1 Yacht Charters - South Pacific Yacht Charter departing Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand I havent crossed paths with her yet, but she has been one...
dennismc, have you seen them since? from what i heard, the issues come out after some months? i'm also interested to know if they have been...
WTF does one thing have to do with the other? Just cause *your* rich friend (or ex-friend) is a b--ch, doesnt at all imply that that is "just how...
I have not heard abt the grey water limitations at all after cruising 5yrs in the med. visited turkey, greece, france, spain, italy. good luck!
I was there during last WMC... Its good to stay "near the action", even though MBM isnt really "busy" (by mediterranean standards at least)......
Is that the gibbs hybrid thingy on the last pic??? :drool: :) I wouldnt mind getting my hands on one of those aquada jeyski/quadcycles if they...
I fully agree with you Marmot! When I said sales or marketing, is that in my experience with asian yards, many times engineering ppl dont speak...
Honsetly I think there is a whole lot of baiting in here... asking what the brand is "just so we can warn people"? c'mon...ha ha ha ha... even me...
Hi Nilo, Your contribution is invaluable... i may be looking at night vision options quite soon for a boat so id like to know what you settled on...
I see... me neither... a search on google for "bilge counter" or "bilge pump counter" yields many results... i think I cant post links to other...
some new systems are 3-way... thermal, light augmenting and daytime... I'm not sure what they run but i'd guess around 10-15k? There are some...
What do you mean exactly? like an odometer to know when to change them? or to know how much they have run since you last were on board? If the...
Is that an ar drone for real men? :p I always wondered if an AR drone would be of any use to get some aerial shots of a yacht...
Despite my limited experience, I must also point out that you should be aware that any marina you dock at will most probably charge you more than...
wow gosh... someone's panties are really in a bunch, eh? :p I'd just like to point out one thing, which, like most of this thread has nothing to...
Any word on the sale going through? What (if anything) does this change for yacht shipment? Have the people changed at DYT changed after the...
I have had 8 voyages to and from the med with DYT. All without a hitch. Actually, our last one was delayed on board for unloading for about 3...