No, the one I run. Right here in miami.
Not a movie, just a music video [MEDIA] 110 Lazzara skylounge.
I prefer a 120v as it easier to plug in than having to open a battery box etc.
Was the code HPF, or HP or something like that? That’s high pressure indeed caused by water flow restrictions down here most air con techs...
Bronze, stainless steel… great. Chineseum? Not so good. Chinese built dive boat takes on water in the pacific :...
The gulf side is usually pretty easy since the prevailing winds are easterly. Obviously don’t try it with S thru W and N. Watch out for traps...
Aka south Florida loop using the Okeechobee water way across the state and around the south tip of Fl thru the key nice scenic trip which...
Pretty much dissolved, just some stuff floating on the top
Cruising only 200 rpm below WOT is way too high. Of these are rated at 2800 then cruise should be 2300/2400 not 2600 a surveyor isn’t going to...
I ve done it years ago, took a week but with some fairly short runs every day to enjoy various spots. i guess if you run 8 - 10 hours a day you...
I don’t see how a wireless dock controller can help in anchoring. Much easier to have a remote windlass switch at the helm or if running wires is...
If the pump engages then you don’t need to connect the override. locate the valve body and manually activate the valves while the pump is...
What is the source of your quote. It is the first I hear about a boat being charter to entertain business associates is considered commercial...
Well said.
With air temp in the low 90s, water temp not too far behind and heat index over 100 air cons are working hard here in sofl. Over the last few...
How often do you need to increase RPMs while docking? With a sportfish, I m guessing rarely at best. Smaller engines, like a trawler yes but not...
The main reason props can be “worn out” is galvanic corrosion. Does the metal show any side of discoloration, pink color? if you give a good...
There is a relay to engage the pump when you press a switch on the remote. If your pump runs, that relay is fine. the solenoid activated valves...
You need to make sure your gauges and electronics have power and are connected before replacing stuff or you may end up trashing perfectly working...
It is still 500nm in open water… a good forecast is still Important