Dammit— thats what I am talking about —these tested fine they were changed 7 years and 700 hours ago and then tested fine 4 months and 20 hours...
Charter Lakes Houston — always done me right— in the past for smaller boats
Yep Dammit! — I guess I gotta pay to play— oh well — it is what is is— I personally think that phrase must halve been first uttered by a boast...
1Yep —I knew this when I bought back in — I guess I thought THIS TIME IT WOULd BE DIFFERENT !!!— Lol — no lube — no reprieve and a big fat -your...
Dang boat — bail out another 15k
I know crazy right? I use insurance as it is meant to be used — I am careful, diligent in planning, dont exceed my capabilities but stuff happens...
I am in a quandry — Just bought a boat with 3406e’s. 2850 hours on each of the 2 in the boat. Teh boat was super clean. The engine room was super...
The guy I tried to get insurance with said the underwriters dont want to write me a policy ! 1 Claim 12 years ago for a power head on a 25’ boat....
I know in the great grand scheme of things I am buying a tender for most of you heavy hitters— I just dont want to end up on you tube as the video...
I saw that Capt. Chris’s Website and some videos showed him— I like him and his videos — but his website looked like he worked with much smaller...
I will prob need a captain of record- -boat has a yacht controller and is 63’ so it seems to be much easier that a 35t contender with trip 300’s i...
We went final on the boat today. I am sure I am going to need a training captain for the insurance and to be honest — a 63’ twin diesel boat is...
58 Sonship
It is listed with a broker— BOHICA was the name from a while back - I don’t remember the name now— its listed with Jordan Bund is my...
I did check her out— the boat had some wear and it looked like it was in the middle of a refit— kind of a mess inside to be honest. I know the...
I am leaning away from this— granted this isn’t the boat I wanted— but it what the warden wants — I personally think we need 10 feet mas — but I...
CPA said if we go this route— we need to use subcontractors and not have employees for some reason — I’m not sold on the idea of sharing my toys...
58’ sonship for now we are planning to keep her in the Tampa Area— early next year we will move it to the Bahamas and then back to Ft. Lauderdale...
So, in discussing the boat we are buying with the CPA and the Attorney — both suggested for liability purposes we put the boat into an LLC. Ok I...