Mine is Wavos Rancheros and the dinghy is Nacho
I bought a Westbay Sonship 58/63 as a placeholder, but we love the boat so its not a placeholder anymore. Its not as fishy, but it gets the job...
Did you not read where I said the ER fan wasn’t working that day but has since been addressed? My best guess is West Bay and Kobelt got together...
Ok after speaking with the kobelt guys — here is what I found : 1. The Kobelt CPU likes to operate in an environment that is no warmer than...
Yes an for other than pulling the anchor and letting out chain the YC is on the shelf for the remainder of the trip. Kobelt said “When the fuse is...
Thats exactly what i have — gotcha on the remote
Mine have a gear selector box on the port engine and that goes to each transmission they are actually shifted mechanically by this gear box — the...
Yacht controller is 4 years old, dingy was on the fly bridge so, i was literally 20’ from the shut downs, it would essentially be the same as if I...
I am currently at Compass Cay. Yesterday when we came in here, there was a pretty good current running, and when we got into the basin, i did as I...
Bought 2 new anchors for my boat as I was told mine were undersized and now have an extra anchor. This anchor is in perfect shape. 450 obo picked up.
I am in the Bradenton/Sarasota area and use Anclote Diesel for my 3406’s— honest and fair has been my experience. I was referred to them by...
My current anchor is a 30kg Bruce — I bought a new Mantus 105Lb and assembled it last night. It was suggested I keep the other as a back-up. My...
I am looking to a pair of double fender racks for 14” fenders — anybody have any they want to part with? I need to store 4 fenders
Do not use Stahlberg is my opinion — super nice guy but in my survey and another he missed HUGE issues (not my current boat)
Another vote for Eartec
I had then changed and all updates performed.
Currently my boat has 5 cameras my IRIS junction box and selector pad has 8 spots. I have one that faces the stern, but when the Dingy is up on...
Gear is bare now — I wondered if thats what the P.O. Did as well — thanks
I am scheduled to haul my new to me boat in October and address some survey issues and put a new bottom on her— This boat sits in Palmetto,...
Ok thanks all — we have a plan to follow to write our new plan — I appreciate all the help