I found videos about a journey around the half world with the Jongert 2800S "Blue Fascination". The videos are commented in German (German Crew)....
There are some photos on Lürssen's FB page https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.359444740840210.1073741825.281955985255753&type=1
Azzam is out of the shed :) [ATTACH] Posted with the friendly permission from SSYD Nord
I can say to a Sunbeam 22 built in the 60's (That one was in our family): It was a good one. Not much repair needed, fast and secure. We sailed it...
The J-Class Association relaunched their website. Some interesting photos of her very bad conditions when she was found. J Class Yachts...
The search form showed me nothing about "Larisa". So here is the official press release and a picture from the press package: Larisa joins the...
Just found on FB: A small preview on Encores Logo in the Gennaker: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10151513102225428
An 82-foot sailboat that ran aground at Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica was stolen from the Sausalito Yacht Harbor. Stolen sailboat runs aground at...
It's also possible to build a cool yacht model with LEGO bricks. This one has nice details like a tender garage and sliding doors :cool:...
Lürssen posted some new pictures on FB. I like the first two pics of her very much....
Thanks for the Info. Lelystad would also okay. It's in my near :). We will see.
Feadship published a picture on their Facebook-Page...
gently down the stream...
The launch of "Encore" is sheduled for March 2013 at Fitzroy Yachts. Also launched is the 2nd Oyster 100 called "Penelope".
The iPad App with informations about Lürssen and pictures of their yachts is now available for the iPhone. And they launched a game called...
Hmm...I haven't seen anything in the last few months. Just some works in the office building.
Moonen published interieur shots of Sofia on their FB-Page Looks very beautiful (y).
eeehhmm...normally we Brokers are talking about 10 %. A 1/2 % would be a nice friendly turn by you ;)
A short video of "Ohana" on sea trials aboard
Maybe Project Assam could be the successor of Al Salamah?