24 Karat was in Yachting and was owned by Gordon. Look familiar?
Did I hear right when they said they could land a plane on Dubai?
Correct! Your up
Here is the next one. Name and builder:
New Dominator 92'?
Nice Passerelle :D
Seems that Benetti has a new website. http://www.****************/
In my opinion, best looking boat that they have built.
For those who didn't get to see it: http://www.nextgenyacht.com/
I also heard that Mia Elise sold...
I have a few more left on my camera so I will have to look. I will post them if there are any.
Rasselas off Ft. Lauderdale... Sorry for the bad photo, we were quite a distance from her.
She was at the Lauderdale show...by appointment only:(
I didn't even think about that. Nice thinking Kevin!
That's all for now. Will be walking the docks again later so I will take a few more pictures.
Lurssen's Linda Lou
Not sure on this one either
Palmer Johnson's Helios
New San Lorenzo