Photos Photos, photos, we need photos!
Long Time Hey, Homer! Welcome back!
Parts? It looks too good to part out!
Look how much money you would save if you take time to wait for the weather window.
Nationwide Fools Same on the West Coast. We were bring Pearson sailboat south on Burrows Bay in Washington State with wife on the bow in heavy...
Not military Likely it was a flash/bang grenade.
Photo from YachtWorld Boat is much smaller than I thought with a much smaller flybridge. Where did they put everyone?
Overloaded? What's a 34' Silverton weight? 30,000 lbs? If, let's say, 8 adults at 185lbs, 15 kids at 100 lbs, 5 little ones at 60 lbs.; that...
Its Old School! Even at 1300 rpm and no air, you're still boating (like our fathers did)!
model same I pull my Kohler out several years ago. Is your cap the same as on a model 6.5A27 ??
Windows Drain holes for the window frames. Keep clean and open!
Taxpayer funds "At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets...
Wow photo Wow, Ward. What an avatar!!
What the? How could it sink at the dock just because the portholes were open??
Better Roamer Check out this 37 Roamer on the Roamer Discussion under "Diesel conversion info needed". It a much better boat and reasonable price.
From Ebay Salisbury # M185 – Neoprene Rubber Exhaust Muffler / Acoustic Marine Silencer Proven to reduce exhaust noise up to 80% and up to...
no connection Could not connect all weekend: IP Address is (admin edit: got it! thanks)
correction Let me correct that: training "volunteers" in the Skookumchuck rapids. No place for non-professionals!
Training "Training in the Skookumchuck rapids" ... You have got to be kidding !!!
Two Roamers? "Rather than figure out how to own two Roamers and still be allowed to live at home," Oh man, that's my problem too. I would take...